The Minster Learning Alliance (MLA) was formed in September 2021, building upon the work of the Minster Teaching School Alliance over the previous eight years. The MLA is a partnership of schools sharing best practice, learning from each other and supporting improvement in all member schools. This philosophy is expressed in our mission:
‘Together, we help every child to flourish, opening doors to fulfilling futures.’
The MLA works with a range of strategic partners to ensure that we meet the needs of member schools and can draw upon the very best expertise and research in education. These include Nottingham Trent University, the University of Nottingham, the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham, the East Midlands East Maths Hub, the Redhill Teaching Hub and the Minster Trust for Education (MITRE).
We work collaboratively to provide high quality, evidence-informed professional learning for all staff who work in schools to benefit children. We work closely with our member schools to ensure that our programmes are relevant, meaningful in content and purposeful in application.
We believe that we are stronger working with and learning from others and therefore welcome the opportunity to work with any school, regardless of status, phase, multi-academy trust membership, religious affiliation or location.

Membership of the MLA is open to any school, regardless of status, phase, multi academy trust membership, religious affiliation or location.

The MLA offers a wide range of training, courses and networks for all staff working in schools.

Leadership of SEND and the development of provision for pupils with SEND is a priority for the MLA, as well as nationally. The challenging landscape has placed additional strain on all schools, but we believe that we can work together to support the development of the very best possible provision for all of the children and young people we serve.

The Minster Learning Alliance is a large community of schools around Nottinghamshire who work together to train the next generation of teachers.

The Nottinghamshire Music Education Hub is group of music organisations and schools working together to provide the best possible music making opportunities for children and young people in Nottinghamshire.