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Board and Leadership Roles


The five members will meet at least once per year (at the Annual General Meeting) to consider the following matters :

  • Appointments, resignations or (in exceptional circumstances) removal of Trustees.
  • Receiving the annual audited accounts for the Trust and the appointment of auditors.

Trust Board

Nine trustees are appointed to support and develop the strategic direction of MITRE. They meet at least twice per term.

General Board Remit

To set and communicate a strategic vision for the Trust and to plan strategically for its future, including for its sustainable growth, future shape, leadership, outcomes and financial health  

To assess and manage principal risks to the trust – financial, educational, reputational and legal risk in particular – and to set an acceptable risk level in key areas and for key significant projects. This is done through the maintenance of a Trust risk register which is considered at every risk and audit committee meeting. 

To appoint and hold to account the CEO for the implementation of the Trust’s overall performance, and for the discharge of the role of Accounting Officer, and to determine arrangements for the performance management of the CEO, including securing external professional advice. The CEO is held to account principally through outcomes set out in the trust development plan and progress towards them, and through the risk register and the satisfactory mitigation of principal risks.  

To ensure that the terms of the Funding Agreement are being fully met. This is done through an annual review of the obligations of the Funding Agreements as part of preparation for the annual report.  

To ensure that all strategic decisions are taken in the light of the Trust’s charitable objects. The charitable objects are set out in the annual report and in the articles, and all trustees are familiarised with these when they join the board and regularly thereafter.  

To ensure the requirements of the Academies Handbook (AH) in force at the time are being fully met, in particular that the Trust Board takes overall responsibility for Trust funds and approves a delegation of financial powers that maintains robust internal controls. The CFO/Company Secretary leads on the AH and ensures all trustees are familiar with its requirements  

To ensure that the Trust undertakes prudent financial planning and remains solvent at all times in order that it can continue to discharge its responsibilities. This is done through annual budget planning and prudent financial projections, along with stress testing against lower than anticipated income or higher than anticipated expenditure.  

To set a budget for the Trust, (to include the ‘trust contribution’); to monitor the budget of the Trust as a whole and to take action when necessary in the light of that monitoring. This is done on the recommendation of the CFO who prepares draft budgets for approval.  

To review end of key stage pupil achievement targets for each school, overall and by significant pupil groups such as the disadvantaged, to monitor end of key stage achievement at least once per year. Targets are set on the recommendation of the CEO and are designed to move performance overall forward incrementally each year towards outstanding, or maintain an outstanding level of performance.    

To receive minutes of each local governing body (LGB) meeting (to include all papers and reports appended to them); to challenge the CEO where these reveal underperformance.  

To ensure that each LGB is discharging the obligations placed by Trustees on their behalf with respect to the distinctive character of worship and religious education in the school.  This is determined by the school’s religious, or non-religious, designation prior to conversion, is set out in the Funding Agreement and is therefore a duty of trustees. In the Minster Trust for Education this duty is delegated at an operational level to LGBs. 

To make sure appropriate arrangements are made for the external verification or moderation of information provided by the CEO, FD, LGBs, head teachers or other staff on any main area of responsibility, for example though commissioning of an external advisor or consultant from time to time, or the scrutiny of audit reports or external benchmarking data. 

To ensure that the health and safety and safeguarding obligations of the Trust (including ‘Prevent’ and ‘British values’) are met via regular health and safety reviews in each school, reports of training on Prevent and British Values, and reports of the implementation of these through the curriculum in each school.  There is a nominated Safeguarding trustee. 

To ensure that all conflicts of interest are declared and documented. Because conflicts of interest are the subject of regular briefing and training, trustees may identify conflicts of interest for other trustees, and as such are obliged to draw these to the attention of the chair. Once declared, identified and documented, conflicts of interest are managed by ensuring that no trustee is party to a decision from which they may derive personal advantage or advantaged for any party connected with them. In most cases this will mean being absent from both discussion and decision making on that issue. In some rare cases, and at the request of the chair, a conflicted governor may be asked to provide information about the conflicting issue but will always be absent from the decision itself. That absence will be specifically noted in minutes.  

To understand and appreciate the demographic profile of schools in the trust and consider that in shaping the strategic direction of the trust. 

Standards and Effectiveness Committee Remit

  • Review throughout the year the standards achieved by pupils across the Trust, and ensure that the resources of the Trust are being deployed effectively to secure improvements. 

  • Receive regular feedback on the strategies and provision for different groups of pupils across the Trust, especially those with special educational needs, and the use and impact of the pupil premium. 

  • Advise the Board of Trustees on the overall vision, aims and principles underpinning the curriculum in schools across the Trust. 

  • Receive and review information relating to academy self-evaluation and ensure that this information, along with other data and external evaluations, is used to secure best outcomes for children and to inform the improvement agenda for the Trust. 

  • Receive and review information relating to Ofsted and SIAMS inspections in schools across the Trust. 

  • Consider issues relating to the safety and well-being of pupils across the Trust, including: pupil well-being, behaviour, attendance and inclusion. 

  • Ensure that the Trust has oversight of admissions into each of the member schools in the Trust. 

  • Ensure that a robust and consistent approach to Head Teacher and staff appraisal is adopted across the Trust.  

  • Have oversight of all Trust policies relating to HR, Employee Conduct and Safeguarding. 

  • Consider the well-being of staff across the Trust, ensuring processes are in place to support those in need and working conditions are conducive to a healthy work-life balance. 

  • Review ethos and Christian distinctiveness in MITRE schools to ensure compatibility with Minster Trust for Education’s ethos and values and church school status, where relevant. 

Finance and Business Committee Remit

  • Keep under review the strategic management of the Trust’s finances, including the long-term deployment of resources. 

  • Ensure that the Trust operates within the financial guidelines of the Education and Skills Funding Agency. 

  • In consultation with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Chief Operating Officer (COO) and the Trust Finance Manager, draft the formal budget plan for the financial year, before approval by the Board of Trustees. 

  • Receive headline financial information and monthly accounts from the Trust Finance Manager at each meeting, including virement decisions, and report significant anomalies from the anticipated position to the Board to ensure that it is able to effectively monitor the annual expenditure against the agreed budget. 

  • Review decisions in respect of service level agreements or in-house provision and to monitor the effectiveness of these services.  

  • Draft the annual accounts for the Trustees of the Trust, to be sent to the Secretary of State, Companies Registry and Charities Commission. 

  • Review the staffing structure of the Trust based on plans presented by the CEO and/or COO and funds available for the Trust, and make recommendations to the Board. 

  • Consider and recommend a pay policy for the Trust to be agreed by the Board and ensure that a consistent approach to pay review is in place across the Trust. 

  • Have oversight of all Trust policies relating to finance and pay, health and safety and risk. 

Risk and Audit Committee Remit


  • Consider and advise the Board on the Trust's annual and long-term audit programme, ensuring that the Trust's internal controls are subject to appropriate independent scrutiny at least in accordance with Government standards  

  • To make recommendations to the Board in relation to the appointment, reappointment and removal of the external auditor and to approve the remuneration and terms of engagement of the external auditor  

  • Discuss the nature and scope of each forthcoming audit  

  • Consider all relevant reports by the Internal Auditor and the appointed external auditor, including reports on the Trust's accounts, achievement of value for money and the response to any management letters  

  • Monitor the management’s response and implementation of any actions to address adverse control findings or recommendations made by the internal auditor or the appointed external auditor  

  • Review the effectiveness of the Trust's internal control system established to ensure that the aims, objectives and key performance targets of the organisation are achieved in the most economic, effective and environmentally acceptable manner  


  • Monitoring the risk profile of the business against the Trust Board’s desired risk appetite;  

  • Monitoring the effectiveness and output of the annual risk management process;  

  • Assessment of the overall population of risk within the risk registers, including any changes during the period  

  • Consideration and challenge of risk prioritisation as provided by the risk owners, including discussion of any discrepancies  

  • Ensuring that risk management is appropriately embedded within line management and that this process is monitored  

Business continuity  

  • To develop and continually monitor the effectiveness of a business continuity plan and to periodically test the underlying assumptions of the plan.  


  • Consider any other matters where requested to do so by the Trust Board 

  • Report at least once a year to the Trust Board on the discharge of the above duties.  

Trust Strategic Leadership

MITRE is led on a day-to-day basis by three strategic leaders, supported by a wider group of team leaders.

Chief Executive Officer - CEO - Matthew Parris

Mr Matthew Parris

Accounting Officer for the Trust

Trust Strategy

  • Aims, objectives and values
  • Corporate structure
  • Liaison and representation with stakeholders
  • Plans and evaluation, including growth and sustainability

Oversight of Finance and Procurement

Annual Budget Reviews

Oversight of Compliance

  • Safeguarding
  • Data Protection
  • Funding Agreements

Partnership Development

  • Teaching School
  • Local and National Initiatives
  • Skill sharing across MITRE
  • Parents, Students, Staff, Directors, Governors
  • Trust Membership

Leadership and Management

  • Policy Development and Implementation
  • Data Management
  • Quality Assurance
  • Communications
  • Schemes of Delegation
  • School Governance

Oversight of Resources

  • Succession Planning and Recruitment
  • Senior Staff Development

Oversight of School Improvement

  • Maintaining Standards in Teaching and Learning
  • Appraisal
  • School to School Support
  • School Quality Assurance, Evaluation and Improvement Planning


Chief Operating Officer - COO - Jacqueline Straw

Mrs Jacqueline Straw

Chief Financial Officer for the Trust

Finance and Procurement

  • Financial Systems and Reports
  • Funding Streams
  • Budgeting
  • Procurement and Value for Money
  • Companies House and Charity Commission Compliance
  • Audit

Health and Safety

Planning and Risk

  • Business Plans
  • Growth Plan and Strategy
  • Due Diligence
  • Risk Management

Leadership and Management

  • Policy Development and Implementation
  • Development of Shared Services
  • HR and Recruitment
  • Legal Services
  • Pay

Resource Management

  • Asset Management across MITRE
  • Resource Allocation
  • Capital Projects  

Strategic Lead for Education - Dave Boothroyd

Mr Dave Boothroyd

  • School Improvement Strategy
  • Professional Learning
  • School Quality Assurance
  • School Evaluation and Improvement Planning
  • Educational Due Diligence
  • Commissioning School to School Support
  • Leadership Development.

The diagram available to download below summarises the  structures which support the successful leadership of Minster Trust for Education.