A track record of success
An experienced and growing team of school improvement experts works every day with partner schools to support their development of the very best provision for pupils and students. With the Minster Learning Alliance and Maths Hub at the heart of the Trust, there is a long-standing heritage of successfully supporting and developing partner schools, always working in respectful partnership together to achieve sustainable improvement. For example:
- Deploying specialists to improve specific aspects of provision including in reading, Early Years, Christian Distinctiveness, secondary maths, music.
- Leading the development of new teaching methods, for example, mastery in maths.
- Developing bespoke support for schools relating to leadership and pedagogical improvement.
- Enabling leaders to apply their skills and realise sustained school improvement, through the provision of nationally accredited leadership programmes.
- Deploying Executive Leadership support for schools in need, helping them to secure good or better Ofsted outcomes.
- Sustaining and improving Ofsted and SIAMS outcomes, with all MITRE schools currently good or better.
Our expert team
We have an experienced team employed centrally by the Trust to ensure the quality of education in each of our schools is supporting our mission that every child flourishes. This includes:
- Strategic Lead for Education - Dave Boothroyd
- School Improvement Lead (EYFS and SEND) - Marie Thompson
- School Improvement Lead (Primary curriculum) - Louise Carpenter
- School Improvement Partner (Safeguarding) - Dave Llewellyn
- School Improvement Partner (Christian Distinctiveness) - Andy Wall
In addition to the central education team, all schools within the trust are committed to mutual support and development. Head Teachers and senior leaders in MITRE schools regularly work to support each other on a commissioned basis as well as more informally, and contribute to MITRE Reviews, professional learning and on-going support and guidance.
MITRE utilises wider capacity with 30 further Leaders of Education, designated by our professional learning organisation, the Minster Learning Alliance. Each Leader of Education commits to supporting school development beyond their own setting with particular specialisms, commissioned on a needs basis.
School Improvement Activity
Our annual cycle of improvement activity is designed so that schools continually improve, working together with the Trust Central Team and in collaboration with other MITRE schools. They support the implementation of our MITRE model for education and our overarching mission.
All MITRE schools benefit from:
MITRE reviews - quality assurance and professional development
- One formal review per school per year is calendared at the start of the year. The review is conducted by a team of 3-6 reviewers, made up of trust and school leaders.
- Reviews are designed to evaluate the extent to which the school provides a ‘MITRE Education’, considering a range of elements of the school’s provision linked to each aspect. The key focus areas for each review are agreed in advance, as are the activities undertaken on site and documentation to be shared with the review team
- The review’s findings are shared through a MITRE Review Report, outlining strengths, areas for development and recommendations
- The findings are reviewed with the Education Team link and in termly school improvement meetings
- Bespoke school improvement activity ofsten results from reviews
- Further reviews of specific strands or areas of the school can be agreed at other points in the year
- Each school also engages with an annual MITRE Safeguarding Review
Bespoke School Improvement Activity - impacting provision for pupils
- Where further support is required MITRE provides fully funded individual support to schools in the trust. This can take the form of deployments of trust or school leaders, Minster Leaders of Education or Expert Practitioners, visits to other schools or work with external agencies.
- The Strategic Lead for Education oversees additional support, providing advice and guidance to both the school receiving support and those providing it, ensuring that the work addresses areas of need and leads to a sustained impact on provision.
MITRE Professional Learning Conference - reflect, develop and inspire
- The MITRE PL Day takes place in February each year
- It is an opportunity for all schools in the trust to come together and engage in a range of activities, workshops and development opportunities, including significant keynote speakers.
- The MITRE PL Day is planned by the MITRE Education team with input and contributions from each school in the trust.
School Improvement Meetings - strategic development and impact
- These termly meetings (held at MITRE HQ) review progress against key priorities and the overall performance of the school
- Each meeting deeply considers the School Improvement Plan, Self-Evaluation and Pupil Outcomes
Education Team Link - support and challenge through a close working partnership
- Fortnightly in-school meetings review priorities, discuss emerging issues and support school leaders with advice and guidance
- KiT meeting are also used to review actions and support from school Improvement meetings and MITRE reviews
- The Education Team link is the first point of contact ‘on call’ to provide ongoing support as and when needed
- The Education Team link also attends governor meetings as necessary
- A brief summary of the discussion and action points is kept and shared with the Head Teacher
Head Teacher Meetings and Briefings - shaping strategy and keeping up-to-date
- There are four in-person Head Teacher group meetings during the year – two in the Autumn term, and one each in the Spring and Summer terms
- The purpose of these meetings is to develop key strategic priorities, shape our work together as a trust and provide support for school leaders
- Head Teacher briefings are calendared every fortnight to cover upcoming events, reminders of any deadlines or requests from the trust, updates from the MITRE central teams and CEO and any other business from Head Teachers
MITRE Leadership Day - setting a strategic direction "by schools for schools"
- This is an opportunity to review our work together as a trust and set strategic priorities for the future
- Our philosophy, ethos and commitment to one another is reaffirmed with opportunities to build relationships and teams
- The Leadership Day involves Head Teachers, other school-based senior leaders and MITRE central team leaders
Specialist Education Services
Our central team provide additional support, guidance and resource for safeguarding and child protection and for the development of Christian distinctiveness in our Church Schools. Our specialist school improvement leads bring their considerable expertise to bear so that school leaders can demonstrate both strong practice and develop an embedded culture in these two fundamental areas. Activities include:
- Annual self audit
- Annual on-site review
- Briefings and training for school leaders
- Policy updates
- Trust-wide strategies and approaches - focusing on latest and best practice
- Comprehensive online training
- Trust-wide safer recruitment and SCR provision
- Bespoke support to address development and contextual need
Christian Distinctiveness
- School theological ethos development
- Worship quality standards and quality assurance
- Training to lead worship
- Training staff to understand the distinctiveness of a Church of England school
- Chaplaincy and worship network
- SIAMS readiness training and support
Professional Learning
Nothing supports our vision for pupils more than flourishing staff. All staff employed by MITRE should expect to receive the very best professional learning, whatever their role in supporting pupils in our schools.
MITRE schools engage with a wide range of professional learning, enabling each member of staff and governor to develop in their role and support the very best provision for children attending each of our schools.
In addition to the expertise and capacity provided by the MITRE Education Team, the Trust can call upon extensive resource and expertise to provide its rich professional learning offer, including:
MInster Learning Alliance, our own professional development arm
East Midlands East Maths Hub - based at The Minster School
Teaching Hub Partnership - MITRE is a one of three strategic partners in the Redhill Teaching Hub
Lead provider with Nottingham Trent University for School Direct
Leaders of Education and Expert Practitioners - designated and trained for support, working in MITRE schools
Our professional learning pathways define the opportunities with which staff and volunteers can engage in training and development.
Beginning Teachers
Initial Teacher Education: MITRE works as a lead partner with Nottingham Trent University to provide Initial Teacher Education across a partnership within and beyond trust member schools. In addition to the investment in the professional learning of beginning teachers made by each school we provide Intensive Training and Practice experiences for trainees focusing on key areas of pedagogy.
Early Career Framework: MITRE leads the delivery of the Early Career Framework for the Newark and Sherwood district. Early Career Teachers are supported in schools by their mentors and induction tutors and, where appropriate, by the Redhill Teaching Hub Appropriate Body service.
Induction: All Beginning Teachers are provided with comprehensive induction programmes to support them in their roles and familiarise them with education in general and their school in particular.
Next Stage Teachers
Developing knowledge and skills: Next Stage Teachers are provided with a range of professional learning opportunities to develop their practice. These include:
- The Minster Learning Alliance (MLA) Professional Teacher Programme
- Participation in MLA networks and partnership meetings to share good practice, learn from research and work on common priorities. These networks include:
- Art
- Computing
- Design & Technology
- English
- Early Years/Foundation Stage
- Maths
- Music
- Phonics
- Science
- Year 6
- Early Years/Foundation Stage moderation
- Key Stage 1 moderation
- Key Stage 2 moderation
- Maths Hub programmes: All MITRE schools have access to Teaching for Mastery through the East Midlands East Maths Hub (part of MITRE), as well as a range of other professional learning programmes that develop mathematics curriculum and pedagogy across all key stages.
Expert Teachers
ITE Mentor: Our Initial Teacher Education partnership with Nottingham Trent University provides expert teachers with training and the opportunity to mentor and coach trainees, learn from research and be challenged, reflecting on their own practice.
ECF Mentor and Facilitator: Expert teachers have the opportunity to mentor Early Career Teachers, supported by mentor development sessions and training. MITRE deliver the Early Career Framework for the Newark and Sherwood district, supporting around 50 ECTs and their mentors each year through face to face sessions and on-going support and professional development. This has also provided colleagues from MITRE schools with the opportunity to facilitate the sessions, engaging directly with the programme and supporting mentors in their role.
Designation as an MLE or Expert Practitioner: Expert Teachers leaders can apply for designation as a MITRE Leader of Education or Expert Practitioner, recognising their level of professional knowledge and skill and providing them with opportunities to support others, be deployed beyond their own setting and lead professional learning. MLEs and Expert Practitioners are provided with training and on-going support to be successful in their role.
Maths Hub leadership roles: The East Midlands East Maths Hub provides opportunities for professional development for staff in the trust through becoming a specialist, a Professional Development Lead or a Local Leader of Maths Education.
Leading professional learning: Expert teachers are provided with the opportunity to lead professional learning and networks for colleagues, including through MLA networks and programmes.
Chartered Teacher Status: A cohort of Expert Teachers are supported each year to gain Chartered Teacher Accreditation, giving them the opportunity to engage with research, reflect on their practice and contribute to the development of teaching and learning in their own school and across the trust.
Emerging Leaders
Leadership development: Emerging leaders are supported to participate in the MLA Introduction to Leadership Programme, a programme of Leadership Development twilight sessions and specialist National Professional Qualifications:
- NPQ Early Years Leadership
- NPQ Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
- NPQ Leading Teaching
- NPQ Leading Teacher Development
- NPQ Leading Behaviour and Culture
Networking: MLA networks and partnership meetings provide a forum to share good practice, learn from research and work on common priorities. These networks include:
- Curriculum
- Christian Distinctiveness
Expert Leaders
Leadership development: Support to engage with National Professional Qualifications linked to whole and cross-school leadership:
- NPQ Senior Leadership
- NPQ Headship
- NPQ Executive Leadership
NPQ delivery: Leaders with expertise are supported to contribute to the delivery of NPQs through facilitating and coaching roles in these programmes.
MITRE Reviews: MITRE Review teams are comprised of MITRE central and school leaders, with all reviewers provided with annual training. More experienced team members are provided with additional training and support to lead reviews. Reviews provide professional learning through professional dialogue, the sharing of good practice and the provision of further support to address areas of development beyond their own setting.
Designation as an MLE: Expert leaders can apply for designation as a MITRE Leader of Education, recognising their level of professional knowledge and skill and providing them with opportunities to support others, be deployed beyond their own setting and lead professional learning, including trust activities and MLA networks and programmes. MLEs are provided with training and on-going support to be successful in their role.
Support Staff
Developing knowledge and skills: Support Staff engage with a variety of professional learning relevant to their role, including:
- MLA Teaching Assistant Network
- MLA Supporting Positive Mental Health in Schools
- MLA Behaviour Management for TAs and Cover Supervisors
- MLA Midday Supervisor training sessions
- Mental Health First Aid Certificate
- TES Develop online learning modules
Designation as an Expert Practitioner: Support Staff can apply for designation as an Expert Practitioner, recognising their level of professional knowledge and skill and providing them with opportunities to support others, be deployed beyond their own setting and lead professional learning. Expert Practitioners are provided with training and on-going support to be successful in their role.
Support Staff Leaders
Networking: Support Staff Leaders engage with networks to share good practice, discuss emerging issues and ask questions. These include the MLA Business/Office Manager and Mental Health and Well-being networks.
Professional qualifications: Support Staff Leaders are encouraged and supported to undertake qualifications relevant to their roles, such as:
- School Business Manager qualifications
- Association of Accounting Technicians qualifications
- Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development qualifications
- Institution of Occupational Safety and Health qualifications
- Managing Safety
Leadership development: Support Staff Leaders are supported to participate in the MLA Introduction to Leadership Programme, and a programme of Leadership Development twilight sessions.
Designation as an MLE: Support Staff Leaders can apply for designation as a MITRE Leader of Education, recognising their level of professional knowledge and skill and providing them with opportunities to support others, be deployed beyond their own setting and lead professional learning, including trust activities and MLA networks and programmes. MLEs are provided with training and on-going support to be successful in their role.